My Blogs
Post-Birthday Gift List14 years ago
About to activate and move away from the bb14 years ago
Monday, July 05, 2010
Post-Birthday Gift List
So its a few days after my birthday and I think the gifts stopped coming in now. This is what I got so far:
* A Spa Package from a group of friends - 4.5 hours at Essence Spa. I cant wait. This was on my wish list and Im excited.
* A Massage from a friend from Essence Spa. I will bulk it with the spa package and spend the entire day there. LOL
* My favourite perfume Narcisso Rodriguez and the shower gel from Daddy.
* A Hyatt Privelege Card from my sister which includes a one night stay at the Hyatt and a whole bunch of other things.
* A One night stay at the Chedi from my brother. Actually it was the thought. He gave me the cash for it and Im still carrying it around. So I guess I can get myself the one night stay at Chedi or just use the cash for shopping or whatever.
* Other gifts from friends included Swarovski earrings, Escada perfume, Sayed Junaid arabic perfume and a bra and panty bags. LOOOL.
Im 30 and Im happy.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
My 30th Birthday Wishlist - Part 2
* A Spa Package - I guess Im just the kind of person that is too lazy to go treat myself. But this is something that I would really like / enjoy.

* An Areej Gift Certificate - I need to stock up on makeup and cosmetics.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
My 30th Birthday Wishlist
* An all expenses paid trip to Dubai for my birthday weekend - As per tradition, Ive been going every year for my birthday and making all the arrangements and even driving myself and my friends there. This time I wanna go without a care in the world. I want someone to make full arrangements and everything. I wanna go and relax with friends and loved ones. Chill by the beach, get a killer tan and come back relaxed.

* A Tag Heuer Formula 1 Edition Watch - Now Ive had my eye on this watch for a while. Its a mens watch yes I know but I dont have problems since I wear my dad's watches all the time. Isnt it a beauty??
* A specific Gucci Bag - Now this is something Ive also had my eye on for a loooong time. I love the shape of these ones but I never liked the mirror / metal bits they usually had on them and then they came out with some gorgeous non-metally ones such as this one. Yesterday I was watching a movie on TV and the exact same one I want was carried by the girl in the movie. The movie was about a bratty rich american chick who goes to a suburban English boarding school (black and white creases folded in - had a pic of it will put it up when I find it)
* A Narciso Rodriguez Eau De Toilette gift set - and I mean the full shebang. With the body lotion and the shower gel and everything. Its my all time favourite perfume and I decided not to buy it myself when mine ran out last week to keep something affordable on this list. LOOOL. People dont be fooled by the limited edition whatevers - its the exact same perfume they just come out with different bottles every once in a while.
* A Night at Al Bustan Palace Hotel - Ive seen some of the rooms there and they are out of this world after the renovation. Preferably one of those lagoon rooms where you access a semi-private "lagoon" pool from your balcony.

* Peace of mind - will leave it at that
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dear You, The Blood Running Through My Veins
Another cliche comment / remark that is often used when someone is complaining about their life or about what they want and are not getting. This is a typical thing I always say to people when I am their shoulder to cry on or ear to listen to.
What goes around comes around. God takes from you and gives you back in multiples.
How many times have we said these things but not really applied them to ourselves. How many times have we given advice to people that we don't follow ourselves. This is human nature.
When you least expect it, it falls into your lap.
Never before have I ever truly believed in this. Until recently. To be exact Saturday 20th of March and confirmed on Monday 22nd March 2010. This is a day I will cherish forever.
Dear You,
I now truly believe that I have been a good person in my life. I now truly believe in all those sayings that I often used to comfort others. I now truly believe that the time for my own happiness has come. I now truly believe that it is MY time. I have found myself in you. I have realised my aim in life and it is to be with you.
I am finally at peace. I am finally happy. Whether the end comes or not, I will still cherish every moment spent with you. You are my family, my life, my future and most importantly my present. I look forward to more days to come. I have walked away from my childhood home towards you. I just hope the destination is not too far away.
Yes, things are happening too fast. Yes, I am hesitant and not as adventurous as I believed I am. But I like it that way. The controls are not with me. For once, I am being led instead of leading and I cannot imagine having it any other way anymore. Yet, I am confident with every step of the way. Sure of every move.
I wake up with a smile on my face. I sleep with a smile on my face. Tears are foreign to me now. Sleepless nights are a thing of the past. It is time for a new beginning.
I belong to you. I belong WITH you. I want to announce to the world how I feel about you and that I am yours but since I cannot yet, this is my "scream from the rooftops".
Only yours,
For My King
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
He Got Married
Biltawfeeq - minik ilmal oo minha il3eyal
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Dear Stranger
You are now a stranger to me because the one I knew no longer exists. The one I knew would never have gone this far. Do I forgive you?? Yes I have forgiven you a looooong time ago. You know me, I am not one to hold grudges. Do I forget?? Never.
I am moving on. No scrap that, I HAVE moved on a long time ago. Why am I not in anything permanent?? Dont flatter yourself. I do not compare anyone to you. I guess I am just not willing to put any effort anymore. I am no longer interested in sharing my life with anyone or anything. I am no longer emotionally capable of trusting blindly such as I was with you. I am not even willing to give anyone a chance. Its my defense mechanism. I do it to protect myself. And I have you to thank for that. You made me the person I am today. Stronger, independant and cold. Very very cold.
I do not blame you. I blame myself for allowing the situation to go as far as I did. All the signs were there I just chose to ignore them. Everything I said I would never do, I did. Everything I said I wouldnt be, I have become.
This is the way God wanted it. And this is the way I will live my life. This doesnt mean that I will sit back cross-armed and not attempt to make my life a better life. No. I am working on it. Hard. Killing myself in fact physically, emotionally and mentally. But I have an aim in life. And I am going to acheive my aim. Including all the dreams I discussed with you. Except I will hold my head up high and proud because I would have done them all myself. Even if it means that you are not by my side. It is your loss not mine.
You are just a flicker of a memory in the back of my mind. I will not deny, I still cry over you sometimes. But mostly tears of joy for getting out of it before it was too late.
Good luck and I truly hope you are leading your life the way you intended.