Ri7t wizarat il tarbia 3ashan a6ali3 shahadat il thanawiya il 3ama malti laneh dwami ili i just resigned from lost it. Ri7t labsa 3abaya lakin bidoon shaila. Ma3arf. Oo 7ar. Oo 6ab3an nu9il wizara 9arat itza7lij min kithr il sa3abeel. MEN!!!
Ba3dain wadait il shahada la my old college 3ashan they issue my certificate. They said it will take a week at least.
Chan achoof roo7i 5ala9t mashawiri gilt 5alni adawir shway lani law radait il bait banam oo i didnt wanna do that. Especially ini gayma min il sa3a thintain il thuhur ams oo mwa9la.
Wila the MBA college yita9loon ygooloon yabu 100 rials registration fees. Fa dazatli ilbnaya ragim il 7sab chan ad5al Intercon (tinental hotel) 3ashan asawi deposit in that Bank Muscat branch. Im waiting in the lobby chatting to my friend on the phone waiting for valet to bring my car back chan achoof a suspicious looking emarati dude ga3id ygiz. 6ab3an i have to admit my look today was the emarati guys dream. Laman tow9al il sayara chan the guy goes running out oo ana wiya ili 3abaya wil amtar il 5alageen ili waray itrafrif wil sha3ar il msashwar wil makeup wil nathara wil jan6a la oo ba3ad 3ala il telefone, i made a complete fool of myself. Kil shay 6a7 min yadi da5il il sayara so i just pulled in all the extra yards of black into the car chan the emarati guy wagif leaning on his car ygooli "taranna salamna" gimt arid 3alaih "allah ysalmik" washeel il telefone mara thania chan faj2a asma3eh ygool "inzain 3a6eeni ragmich"
LAAAA WALLAH - radait il salam moo ya3ni targeem 3ala 6ool. 3ad 3aneeda - shdaraha bilim'3azal - ila 9ot-ha 3ala il telefone "ki ki ki wa7id emarati '3azalni" to my friend. wayhi munshaki7. zain ashwa ma li7agni
mishait oo ri7t 9ob starbucks chan achoof Dubai licence plates G55 - chan amoot. I LOVE THAT CAR. la wil mu9eeba the dude inside was HOT. mub hathak mal Intercon ga6ee3 il wayh. 6ooleh shubur oo nu9 wilsaneh 3ashir. Laa oo i went towards qurum to visit the Mac store chan achoofeh jidami. For the next half hour kil mukan aroo7eh achoofeh jidami. eee cheee il ashkal wila balash. lakin laish ydawroon on a weekday during working hours. mako 7ad. LOL. misakeen.
Anyways eventually 5ala9t wiya the MBA kulia ili yaboon the shahada min the old kulia which means i have to go and get my shahada to maktab il ta9deeq myself in order to get it done ASAP.
Radait il bait had late lunch with baba then went to the gym.
LOOOOOOOL la nasait agool - Fahooda il youm awal 7i99a mal Tae Kwon Do. 5ub fi6asna thi7ik and i have the whole thing on video. 9ij attention span of a gold fish. 7asait il mudarib shway oo bigoolina hes too young sheeloh min 3ala chabdi. LOOOL will upload the video tomorrow. I dont know how to upload on a Mac.
Ba3ad ma 5ala9t thi7ik 3ala Fahooda i worked my butt off for an hour and a half then came home which was more than three hours ago. AND IM STILL NOT GODDAMN SLEEPY. La ba3ad i didnt shower lani i will become alert and i really dont need that.
Seriously, is this something i should consult a doctor on??
Ako wayid dakatra bloggers - please goolooly, 6abee3i hatha???
Ooo ba3ad nasait agoolikum - some freak dag 3alai awain "3aneeda mi7lawa il youm - sawaitlich 7aran ma chifteeni" inzain int minu??? ha ma 3arafti 9oti 3ayal ki shay fi wagte 7ilu.
ithlif yali ma tista7i - chan asid il telefone fi wayhe - 3a9abni il maleeq.
7 m3andeen:
yoh!! ashkara hes the shibr o nus tall guy!!!!
aaaakh i miss hot dudes :(
oh oh
elyoom yoom lemghazal el3alami
awwwww Allah ye3ench :)
OMG INSOMNIA!! no frekin' way!! ow and yahh there are billions of blogger her that are docs!!
my sleeping patterns completely messed up too! its pissing mee off cuz im so tiredd..i cant get any sleep in the night time and then i have to wake up early for uni!!
im nt gettin enuff sleep so im the opposite!
LOL at the number guy..what an asshole
(oh btw ur in ma latest post =p)
3anooda that was one funny post... and i couldn't resist commenting on the emarati dude.. its so typical of them to '3azel gurls.. even if he has 3 or 5 gurls he wont stop '3azaling... it runs in their blood... :P
eshda3wa - laish it happened to you ba3ad??
amu - thanks
MeeMzZ - yeah so please any doc find me a solution
desertpalms - i wish i cant get enough sleep - I WANT TO SLEEP.
oh yeah and about ur post tara if i have guests i dont babysit. LOOOL. trust me i will show u a good time in oman
Daloo3a - its the emarati blood - wiya wayehum - players
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