A special thanks goes to my regular readers - I honestly didnt think I had that many. Love you all.
I have decided that I will be launching a monthly prize for asshole of the month. Of course, needless to say, these assholes are almost always anonymous since they are too chicken shit to show their faces. So starting this month, I will be announcing the Asshole of the Month prize with a breif description. Here goes.
See I have a chatbox that I almost always forget about thats why there is not much activity there. In most cases, I reply to people at least a few days late. So yesterday it caught my attention as I had some recent activity. (Pictured above). This is how the "conversation" went.
10 Mar 09, 03:21
XXXX: I don't like u
10 Mar 09, 03:40
XXXX: FYI your life is no rollercoaster. wala 7ata sham ree7at Mara7 Land. Your life is super regular.. just like plain yogurt. if not more bland. =) (hhmmm took you a whole extra 19 minutes to come up with that one???)
10 Mar 09, 15:00
3anooda: XXXX - LOOOL nice to know - respect ur opinions hahahaha dont like me i dont think im loosing much
10 Mar 09, 16:44
XXXX: okay =) fine by me too! and it's *losing fyi (im flattered that you responded less than 2 hours after my reply - looks like ur a regular on my blog)
Now the question is LAISH?? shistifad this person from this conversation exactly?? That is why I am awarding the title of Asshole of the Month to this person. Cos they obviously had too much time on their hands are trying to show off a little muscle. So XXXX, now you can boast about having a post dedicated to you. Thank you for revisiting my blog.
PS. Mara7 Land is a lame ass amusement park thing we have here in Oman mainly for kids
37 m3andeen:
i swear 3anooda u just keep amazing me and crackin me up!!:*
in one word: 3ARFATLIHUM
kil ridoodich tbarid el chabd ya3ni none of us have to say anything 7emdila
thank you:*
HAHAHAHAHAHA ur so funny
xoxo J
AND a7la shay ina ma tabeen u go private.. why? le2na il visitors count bikoon less.. fa gi9ay 3alla nafsich oo goolay la ana 3nad 3alaihum babga public or wtv its called..
Finicky:* - LOOOL ta3aly kil youm
Anonymous - im glad somebody thinks so
Anonymous - wallah sim3ay - moo 3ajbich my blog?? ilbab yowsa3 jamal. 7ad tharbich 3ala eedich oo gal ila lazim tagreena?? i dont think.
u dont like my language?? 6uz
u dont like my isloob?? 6uz
u dont like my swearing?? hamm 6uz
maybe u like the prize so u wanna be next??
at least ur laughing - 7ata lo ini 7assa inich ur laughing bil'3a9ib lakin ilmuhim ur laughing. doom inshallah
oo using the excuse mal "im commenting as anonymous laneh sum3aty bti5tirib lo ilnas 3arfu i read ur blog" - ooohhh puuuhhlleaaase. who do u think ur kidding. ur not kidding me maybe ur kidding urself.
ili ma tuba sum3at-ha ti5tirib bitkoon 9adga wiya nafis-ha oo 9adga wiya rabha gabil ma tkoon 9adga wiya ilnas. ili ma tuba sum3at-ha ti5tirib mabitsawy ashya2 bil5asha laneh ili itsawy ashya2 bil5asha means she has something to hide.
so agoolich - when u are done growing up - come back and talk to me. ok???
9ara7a i thought that gabel u were making a deal out of nothing bas now i see it lol i dont understand how can someone say to someone else i dont like you and i dont like your blog? its not facebook u know ,,, girls like to start drama everywhere 7ata bel blog where most of the ppl dont know who u are let alone hate you ....
how could she say ina sum3at el wa7da bete5terib laish dashin bait da3ara or a blog? ya3ani i cant imagin someone saying flana ma7ad beya5edha laishhh lana kanat tegra el blog el falani ?
Provocative Lady - LOOOOOOOL imagine wa7sa sa2looha sabab 3noosat-ha galat "kint agra blog mal 3anooda oo ma7ad 5e6abny"
hahaha wo tkoni inti sabab fe 5arab el beyoot wo some guys divorce thier wives 3ashan they are reading your blog and fathers yetbaroon min banathoom for reading it wo 3adi ba3ad ye6al3oon qarar ina initi ma6looba 7ag amn el dawla la wo ba3ad ye9ekonich be block 3adia tara wo latesta3'rebin min ay shi loool
Provocative Lady - LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL u cant imagine how much Im laughing right now. i just got a visual image of sitting at home on the laptop wila yad5iloon 3alay ilshur6a CSI style oo they bag my laptop as evidence oo they handcuff me. LOOOOOOL
3anooda... laish im3awra rassich?
just either ignore or make ur blog private.. cause mara7 testefedeen min shay if you take everything into consideration.. this is the blogging world KILINA we went through the same thing... moo kafo a7ad dedicates a post to them
lol i think we're already having competition on the award:p
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! OMG 3ANOOODA..you made me laugh with the police and CSI image..!! loool... nas fa'9ya wallah!!
AGOOL MA7AD IM3ANIS ILA ASHKALICH :p 6ay7a ib chabd nafsich..
7allat ur language ili ma afham shay minha..
akeed inich sooda.. a7is min isloobich.. sooda oo 5aysa :P oo u smell bad LMAO! EWWWWWWW!
and btw.. wela agolich nvm intay shino afahim feech with that small brain of urs ;p
AND FYI.. im LITTERALLY LMAO !! mu '3a9ib ;)
anony 2 ya7lailha tawha 6ay7a 3ala the caps lock button :)
agool.. ya om isum3a intay, chanich san3a (wela 7ata ba7lamich) ma giltay hal kalam.. 7imday rabich ina ib blog mo face to face..otherwise, u would've known how big of a loser u r ;)
I nominate anony number 2 for next month's award!
3anoooda.....KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK...wainich 3ny kl 7yatie....ybla friend mithlich.....itwgfen il kil 3nd 7da....o ya banat mn draina i7na il shabab inkum tgroun blogs hwana ma nabekum....indwr il wa7da ily 7dha msn....facebook....yimken ti6la3...o bs :p
'6a7ktny walla......lat'7feen mwjoud mwjoud bs a'7tfy 3shan tolhoun 3ly o tis2loun "il mazyoun waina" (adree im9adig 7aly :p)
Hey Please Dont Go PRIVATE . You yourself will miss out on a lot of interaction with the world. And we will miss you too..About the assholes u can choose setting which make u choose which comments u wana publish.Or even better just open a new folder on thge blog ,name it "Trash" and all asshole comments just you can pubish in main comments page saying "This comment is moved to Trash" and the word trash is ur hyperlink to the Trash folder..
Another Thing, In case u go private can we get invite even after the private going or shud we now itself when u are public
shoosha - yeah i could do that but im just trying to see what these loosers have to say for themselves. most ista7u 3ala damhum lakin ba3ath-hum ya yit2adiboon
Finicky:* - yep strong competition
Stand-Alone~ - very much so. i was laughing at myself and my wild imagination. HAHAHAHHA
Anonymous - oh ur back - welcome. i see you cant get enough of me
S - hahahaaha agoolich 7asasatni chaneh its howsha mal 9af awal "ree7tich 5aysa" oo "ur funny NOT" LOOOOOL
jara7 - la la la ya jara7 arjook, hal gad bloggy 9ar shubha ya3ny?? LOOOOOOOOL bala 3alaik ilfacebook ya3ny kitab ilwajh (kaaakk) azwan min hal blog ya3ni??
oo walla 9arly cham youm ana agoul ilmazyoun waineh?? ildinya m'6alma hal youmain
Jobless Guy - i decided im not going private anymore cos i really cant be bothered with the whole process. plus why should i hide my blog from those that dont wanna read it??? they should make a choice. but as the anony above proved, they cannot stay away LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
does she knw any other word than LMAO?^o)
it's funny chinha yahil oo mistansa 3al kilma:p
7emdila w shikir bas ya rab la tableena
LOL ma 3alaiki men a7ad. This is only my second time here bs I do like your blog! <3
okay awal shay 3anooda a7ib shaja3tich, i admire that in you. malich shegil feha again she's ME7TARA menich bs mu 3afra shitsawee!!!!!;p maskeena poor thing;p ow ba3dain wayed qaleelat adab ow i thought ayam el rasicsm are over mu? wain ga3deen sooda ow khaysa?!!
S madry if ur reading this but ur comment was funny 7ada shakhbary ayam caps hahaha im starting to like uu;p ow ana rayii men raay S, 3anooda u hv to gve her the asshole of the month award;p hahaha!
hold on a sec why the racism here? why is she /he taking it personal,i mean what does colour or race have to do with it arggggg it pisses me offff sho hal ta5'aluf
Ambaaih anony jad shal qellat adab??! Shako white wella black?? Etha mo 3ajbich el blog or what 3anooda says bel 6aggag..ma7ad gja9bich..!! Bass shako kel hal qellat adab? Wetha 7asbalich enich san3a abashrich tara 7addich ghal6ana! Ellii ga3da tgoolena mafii wala netfat sana3..ellii ga3da tsaweena esamoona 7aqara oo gel sana3 oo qellat adab..yq3nii lai hal darajaa entay fa'6yaa oo ma 3endich sheghil ghair enich etdisheen blogs khalg Allah oo u attack them oo say very rude things about them? Ok afham ena mo 3ajbich el blog bass shal sloob?? Ahalich ma 3allimouch el e7tiram?? Magool ghaair Allah e3eenich 3ala nafsich lanich maskeena :/ el 7emdilla wel shekir allahoma la tableena ;/!!
ee walaah 9a7 ilsanich:)
lazem nan6er youm kamel 3la me she answers, since when did color have anything to do with it? wain g3den i7na? what makes you so different than us, just cause we write and you chose to read honey we are all in the same boat. IF you really did not like her blog laish you come back to check if she answered??
3anooda babe keep them coming ;**
ok so .. one thing to say.. to love since blogch ma ystqbal anonys.. u can write whtever u want.. its deff ok .. bs el mshkla oo why ur being harrased so much.. ena wht u r writing is so not true.. ana kuwaitya oo 3ayshab bl kwt oo 3arfa ahlha.. wela ga3da tsawena is so not true.. tukfan swalef bodyguard oo i met sm1 oo 3zmta 3la shalah .. oo crap like that.. y3ny amana we r not stupid.. el9ra7a ma 9dgt wala kelma mn ely ktbate.. i enjoyed reading el story oo i read it all the way to the end.. bs ma 9dgt ena its true.. write wht u want bs atleast dnt lie abt it.. oo salamtkum
oo 7ta low its true .. ma t5afen rabch? kl hal kissing oo touching.. ya walch mn 3thab nar jahnm low kan true ..
anony cuz i dnt hv a blog mo 3shan i stay "hidden"
Provocative Lady - i cant comment on your blog. the comments box is just not popping up.
Finicky:* - LOOOOOL
Hind ♥ - mashkoora wallah ma ga9arty
Exquisite:* - LOOOOL thanks for your support. ana chee ili fi galby 3ala lsany. oo about the racism thing wallah ana dayman agool kil wa7id oo nafseh. i dont get insulted lo i got called names laneh i dont beleive in segregation. I usually find that the people that DO get insulted are usually the ones that use such names and terms.
Provocative Lady - wanted to comment on ur post on ur blog lakin ma gidart. i wanted to say "and i love u" LOOOOL. 3ady la tnazly min mustawach - ma yistahloon.
Anonymous - LOOOOOL hady hady baba wala tara nas chithy ma yistahlon
Finicky:* - ay wa7da feehum??
love ;** - la 5ala9 ma'6in she will answer 5ala9 laneh she will prove inha she cant stay away from my blog. LOOOOL.
Anonymous - awalan intay sh7arich?? oo thanian intay u know how every single household in Kuwait lives??? agoolich i have lived in Oman for the majority of my life and i STILL get shocked about how some people live. fa la ta7kumain. oo ba3ad ehya lo chathabat hatha bainha oo bain rabha - inti shaku?? byinga9 minich shay?? il mohem ana 3a6ait-ha 5abar about ur comment
shoosha - magdar achoof ur blog!!!! am i invited??
Exquisite:* - wintay nafs ilshay lakin shaklich ma 3indich blog
email me
shoosha - done
eeh 3anooda i dnt, i only hv an account to follow blogs;p
lol Exquisite ;*
Tadreen ba3ad, we have a baby together now.. only it's someone else's lol!
Loool! exactly! yibteeha yaib "ree7tch khaysa" o "ur not funny" .. bas back in those days sadgeeni ma7ad yit3arathly lol!! I'd like to see her try now haha..We got ur back 3anooda ;*
helloo 3anooda i find ur stories intresting and ur writting skills is great...but i really dont think its a good idea that your displaying ur personal life and acting like ur not arab or muslim ... we all have our 3adat and تقاليد
and not because you lived or may b stadied abroad u think ur actually western.... and telling these stories will really spoil ur som3a so grow up and keep it for ur self ..only if u really need that much attention that u enjoy every one knowing ur business then sorry u r a sick person .. u should be worried about ur parents and what will they go through when they find out ur stories and ur personal life that has been display for the hole world too see it 3aibbb
Whats with the accent? Min meta omanis speak the way you do? chithi o chathab o chi wtf accent crisis?
Exquisite:* - aww shame
S - baby?? am i missing something here??
Solafa - :)
Anonymous - its not about acting not arab or whatever. i have nothing to be ashamed about. i dont do anything behind my parents back (well to a certain extent) LOOOL but my parents raised me well and they trust and i have nothing to hide. plus i have already declared that the characters are real but the events are not.
I dont have a blog or a nickname - LOOOL 3aybatni hathi accent crisis. well i dont speak omani at all neither with people nor at home. my family was born and raised outside of oman (i am the youngest born outside oman as well) so the accent is 5aleeji. plus i have this thing where i switch accents depending who im talking to
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