Inzain daraina ina feeh habbat love stories oo chee. Its nice. We like to escape occasionally into a green field with little white flowers wearing a white sundress and curly long hair flowing in the light breeze with a huge smile on our faces and we are running towards our knight in shining armour in his khaki pants and white linen shirt with buttons open to his waist showing off his perfect 6 pack and blah blah blah. I guess you got the picture.
But i wanna see some more realistic stories. Such as Tigerlilly's story about the Kuwaity drug dealer / drug addict. I still havent come across another more realistic story.
I was discussing this with a good friend earlier today where she said she is only interested in happy ending stories.
La ana maby. Aby achoof salfat ily 5e6ab wa7da bint rfeejat umah laneh shes cute and has grey eyes. Oo ba3d il3rs wila honeymoon yridoon ildeera wehwa 24/7 either fil dawam wila wiya ilshabab. yrid ilbait min ildawam yuba il'3ada jahiz. Itha ma 3ajbah il akil yzifha. oo ba3ad 6 months ygooleha howa msafir Thailand wiya ilshabab. B3ad sintain 3indeh girlfriend libnaniya wila ma'3ribiya wa7da cool oo free. Ba3ad 5ams sneen yitzawaj 3alaiha bil sir oo she finds out laman wa7da 7aqda ityee tgooleha "ooohhh sema3t murt raylich / kanitich 7amil - wayid 7alyana mashallah 3alaiha". g6ee3a nas ma yista7oon.
Ooo aba achoof wa7da tiktib story mal wa7da oo wa7id m9a7been 9arli7um 3ashr sneen oo tezawijaw oo lama heya 7malat oo matnat 9ar ma y6eeg shakilha oo 6alagha ba3ad ilwilada 3ala 6ool.
Oo ilhabba ilyideeda mal yaz3am reyayeel yitzawajoon wa7da '3aniya (mabda2 sakany tejari) 3ashan ehwa ydawim 3ala ra7teh fi sharikat ubooha oo ehya ta9rif 3alaih.
Oo sowalif wa7da ba3ad ma titzawaj she finds out ineh hes a drug addict / player / sex freak / doesnt ever shower / eats his nose pickings / was born a woman / getting a little too Jerry Springer arent we?? Bas come on. This stuff happens.
Oh yeah I just remembered one of the story blogs ily she married a guy ily gam yid5al ilbait sakran jayib wiyah wa7da oo ygoom yadri6ha min il7ijra to get it on. Oo laman ta6lib il6alag oo y6aligha trid bait ubooha oo being labelled as a divorced woman ubooha miftishil oo y3amilha zbala which pushes her into the arms of the wrong man who rapes her. THIS IS REALITY PEOPLE.
I always say the following:
1. I would rather be a divorced woman and be labelled as a divorced woman (since its such a shameful label) than be the women ily rayilha y3amilha chanha ilbishkara wila y5oonha yameen oo yasar jidam il3alam wil 5alg
2. I would rather be a 3anis (I LOVE THIS WORD) if it means I have control over my own life and actions and I do not have to be the obediant wife to an asshole who reports to Mommy about his wife's sexual acts (true story - i have a friend whos ex-husband was asking Mommy for advice about his sex life)
3. I would rather be given any label on this earth if it means ineh '6ameery 9afy oo adri iny ma athait 7ad oo ma '3ala6t fee 7ag a7ad
Do people not know mabda2 il zawaj nu9 ileeman?? Ma sema3tu "ilrayil ma ykamil deenah ila ba3ad ilzawaj"?? ay ykamil ay ba6ee5?? ma achoof ana ila ilbalaway.
Do I want to get married?? HELL YEAH.
What are the reasons?? I want kids bil7alal. FULLSTOP.
The only man I trust in this world is my father. I would love to have a fairy tale ending same as any girl with blood running through her veins. But I still always beleive that ilrayyal ma mineh 2aman. His loyalties will always lie with their own flesh and blood. And for some reason they do not beleive that when you marry a woman she becomes your flesh and blood. Mako al7een rayyal y9oon murteh. La2 ma achoof ana ila the woman becomes a punching bag to be blamed for everything under the sun.
I beleive that is why God made women stronger. Qudrat ilta7amul 3indhum akbar. Thats why women are the ones that get pregnant. Have period pains. Go through labour. And the men faint in the delivery rooms. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Inshallah I find that one person that God made perfectly right for me. Inshallah. Maybe I already found him and he slipped away. I am not delusional. There is no perfect man / woman. But there IS the perfect man / woman for everyone.
Just realised this was basically just my thoughts and I dont know what the hell I am aiming at. Sorry guys - this is who I am. Live with it wila click on the little red cross on the corner of the screen.
I have a lot of love to give, I just havent found the person that I feel I can give it to. I have realised that when in love people tend to ignore the bad points and only see the good things. Then there is a point where one bad thing will make you forget ALL the good things. Its a bad trait but I beleive this is a HUGE indication.
When a girl suddenly sees the guy in a different light, that means that she has snapped out of the bubble she was living in. I admire all strong women who have the courage to admit that they made a mistake and its better to be labelled than to go through with it. I beleive its a bigger mistake to carry on then admit defeat and walk away. I know some people might see it as cowardly but i do not. Bil3aks I beleive this is the brave thing to do. Sticking with a bad marriage and using the kids as an excuse is not the right thing to do. How do you think the kids will grow up and view life seeing their disfunctional parents in their daily life. So if there are no kids GET THE FUCK OUT.
I guess I am going through this emotional turmoil since there are a lot of VERY strong women around me these days that are going through marriage related crisises (is that the right word??). Ilmuhim - these women got the point of considering divorce. I always vote for divorce. ALWAYS.
I look at my past relationships and I realise that the one true love (or so i thought) that I had, I look at him now with complete i7tiqar and disrespect. I always think to myself "what the hell was i doing with him - this is someone i almost married!!!!". Even though the duration of our relationship was complete bliss but you really dont know someone until you live with them. Im glad I found out what they really are like BEFORE living with them. God - I think allah salamany min hal mu9eeba that almost happened.
Yes I am in a relationship right now but this time and for the first time in my life, I am going through the relationship thinking with my head and NOT with my emotions. So far so good. I am grown up and mature enough to accept my decisions and accept the consequences.
I am proud of who I am. I am proud of the woman i have become. I am proud of the way my parents raised me. Even though that the majority of my life I always beleived my parents should divorce. They made the difficult decision to stick together for the kids. Yet I am proud of who they are and what they have made of us.
I am the youngest of four children and I am also the last in our household to acheive the masters. Can you imagine how intimidating it is for anyone?? I have heard it with my own ears how women tell my mother that her daughters are over-educated which is why their sons that might be interested are backing off.
I just think of these men as cowards. Not that I am interested in any of them but the whole concept behind it. Instead of marrying into a good educated family and being proud that either me or my sister accepted them, they run away. I know it might sound big headed but I dont care. This is truly how I feel.
I can go on forever but I think I will stop here. Maybe continue in another post in a few days. Lets see how it goes.
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17 m3andeen:
Good things come to those who are patient.
I agree with your friend I too would like a happy ending, leana I believe we put up with so much shit in our real lives ily we need a haven to escape to. The love stories give hope ina true loves exists, even though some are pure fiction, it lets you escape who you are and for a few minutes live another persons life, a person who is happy and in love.
I think life is filled with tragedies so why go and read about them, that is until I read tigerlilly's blog and saw just how amazing a non-love story could be (6an3an most of the credit goes to the author). So I guess what I am blabbering about is you just gave me an idea for a new story lol bs I wont start it till im done with the 2 I have trust me.
About true love, you said you might have lost him, bs they say you never know how much you love something till you lose it so think back, do you miss someone so much cause if you do then he might be the one. I say the right man has just not come, and im not saying this to be polite aw ajamel bs you are one hell of a woman and not any many deserves you, lazem the perfect man o I know your saying there is no such thing as a perfect man, bs a dear friend once told me ina alah ya36y 3la neyat il sha59, o intay neyetich bai'6a taben a man not a coward to come in and do the right thing and inshalah inshalah you will get your knight, even if he might not be perfect, he will be the right one for you ;**
Adree I didnt make any sense, bs im filled with emotions lol and I am rambling.
As always, I love you babe and thank you for EVERYTHING ;**
I beleive that is why God made women stronger. Qudrat ilta7amul 3indhum akbar. Thats why women are the ones that get pregnant. Have period pains. Go through labour. And the men faint in the delivery rooms. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
LOOL, the above made me laugh....thats true men faint when they are in the delivery room. I dont know whats the point of asking them to support their wives if they cant handle to see the drama.....
I am with you dear, i will prefer to be 3anes than to live with someone treating me like nothing.
Well, looking at the ways my life is now, i guess i will stay 3anes for sometime. You can join my club if you wish ;)
BottomLine :- If the Love was true it wil never come to point of divorce, hatred and thinking wat u wer doin wid tat person..
But if it comes to tat point , it means that the relationship was gotten into by either one or both partners for wrong reasons. Maybe It was a case of escapism. Maybe from a harsh reality of lif or something..
I think you are the strong one, and not your friends especially since you are able to think with your head and not your heart ;**
I believe that writing these love stories is just a way to escape the reality and all the drama happening in it. It's for those who have given up. Those love stories are the thing that motivates them and keep them going.
you'll find the right person that you'll give ur love to inshala u never know what life has out there for us. If two are meant to be together they will be ili allah katba biseer eventually ur fate is all written
and the 3 things that u always say i agree with each and every single one of them. It's a shame that we live in a world or culture where people judge you without even knowing who you are
once again great work
keep it up, love you:*
I have to say that what u said is kinda what goes through my head.. bas for me 3ala fithawa cuz I tend to analyze what happens to other ppl.. maybe that's good cuz it prepares me for when it happens.. elmohim, my point is.. Whatever u end up doing, take self-defense classes before u're married lol.. atleast u can cross something off that list of marital problems!
tabeeen realistic stories
then read the original story teller
my absolute favorite
1001 nights
hii 3anooda im a silent reader for many blogs bs 7aset ena feny 7achy o 7abet atklm .. 9a7 fe wayed blogs ga3den yaktbon nafs elqe9a9 elromance o yeshbehon ba3ath o fe ashya'a fe ta9orofat elreyayel mo 9ej esawonha ga3den yaktebonha .. ana wedy a`7eth rayech fe sha`3la ga3da et9er ma3ay al7en o ay a7ad e7eb egol raya plz help .. a7eb wa7ed o tezawaj last week ! e7na metafqen ena mara7 netzawaj ok so ana ma kent na6reta yetqdm a9lan bs mo hne elmoshkela elmoshkela ena 7eta 3ogob ma malach edg 3alay!
egol entay shay o morty shay o 3omry mara7 at`3ayar ma3ach ! ana a3rf 7arakat elreyayel el7aqera ya3ny etha ohwa yabeny o 3enda shy yabeny asa3da wela ya`7eth raye fe ekon ma3ay 6ol elyom bs etha ana abe ma algaaa wala ered sboooo3 wegol busy ! laish ohma chithy 7aqereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
i hate him ! iffffff
adree 7achet wayed bs wala ana agralkom mn zman fa a7es chiny a3arefkom u and love ;**
Consider me in your 3anis club ya solafa …
I loved your post, and I agree with every single word…. Divorce is always an option … that’s why its 7alal … 3anis also is an option I RATHER BE A HAPPY SINGLE THEN BE MISRABLE MARRIED …
love ;** - but i feel these lovey dovey stories just basically slowly push people into a delusional world where they start comparing real life men / husbands with these fairy tale weddings. im not even gonna mention the stuff that happened after musalsal Noor. LOOOOOL
PS. ramble away u know i love it
Solafa - men think that just because they can carry heavy things and open the jam jars then they are stronger. they might be physically but emotionally and spiritually us women kick ass. So when is the 3anis club meeting next?? LOOOL
Liberian Guy - have u ever heard of the concept of loving someone but not being able to live with them?? it happens man. ive seen it with my own eyes.
Finicky:* - thats what i always say - ily bijee min allah 7ayahallah. love u 2 babe
S - ma i always get these random discussions in my head. i am having so much trouble cos rasy oo mu5y 9ayreen za7ma. wayid ashya ya raby aby afa'6fi'6
eshda3wa - link me up girl mub bas chee ga66a oo mishaity
No identity.. - and the 3anis club gets bigger. YAY.
luluty - wallah i am sorry but i will be brutally honest. like i always am. i guess its a bad trait in me but this is who i am and u asked for it.
DUMP HIS ASS OR I WILL KICK URS - shga3da itsaween fi 3umrich intay?? maynoona??? tubain il 3alam wil 5alg ygooloon 6a3u hathy mnashna 3ala rayyal tawa 7ara ma burad min shahr il3asal??? t3arfeen ineh for him it will NOT make a difference. kil shay baykoon 3ala rasich??
la t7acheeneh wala 7ata shi'3il "he just wanted to talk" wila 7arakat "he needed ba6ee5" LA2 NOTHING. 3ad its upto u to decide whether u wanna notify him that u are disconnecting but what i would do is just go cold turkey. 3ala 6ool la i7m wala dastoor. complete disconnection. preferabbly if its not too much trouble change ur number. doosy 3ala galbich shway wala la ma9la7tich hatha.
girl im sorry to be blunt but he is using u. u have become his safety blanket u know. men are kilhum klab. kileh 3indeh bigool itha ba'3ait-ha she will come running. ilmoshkila bidat laman itafaqtu inkum ma tetzawiju. mumkin afham laish??
if u wanna do this privately and on msn or whatever add me -
lulty: babe I wanna say something nice bs the situation you are in doesnt help at all. Itha min il awal you knew ina you two werent getting married then it should be easy for you now to just let him go, since from the beginning you didnt have a dream to look forward to. I agree m3a 3anooda you need to leave him, for good, no friendship, no phone calls, no messages no meetings, just think of it this way imagine you were the wife and your husband was sneaking around behind you, how would you feel?
Its not easy letting go of someone you are use to, someone you enjoy having around bs 7beebty in this situation you have to just let go of him.
I am sorry if my words were harsh I just dont want you to go through this, its not fair for you ;**
3anodaa and Love ;** : kel ely geltooooooh 9a7 i know ena ohwa ga3ed e7awel yeste`3lny o e`7aleny 7ag meta ma 6ag 3ala bala ekalemny o ana a9lan awal ma gal batzawaj 7awalt eljehaz emsakar o feta7t `7a6 thany o daz msgs o dag o ma radet lena adre ena 7aqeeeeeer o maby akon ana eb mawqef zojta 9ara7a maskena! its complicated to tell laish ana magdar atzaweja bs lets say it was alllll wrong men elbedaya o ana ely rethait 3ala nafsy kent mestansa o ma afaker 3adel ! o ana mo sathja wela ma afham wela yenga9 3alay bs ana kent 7asa ena ga3ed agathy ma3a wagt 7elo o bs hatha ma yemna3 ena `3ala6 akeeed bs kent 7asa eny i give my attention to every one around me but no body take care of me adre mo 3ether
bs ana 7a6eta 3ether !
Liluty: i really sympathies with you, and i can somehow understand your situation, but am with 3anooda and love, that you got to take a firm action on ur self to avoid getting hurt when you cant really rub off any hurt feelings from your heart.
take it off your life now, better than having to get into awkward situation later in the months/years.
Allah ma3aaki
3anooda 7beebty tra yannanni il blog malich kil ma abi a7e6 li comment yel3b feeneee!!!
3need 3la sa7betah :p
el 7amd le allah you have the conclusion inich if u do not marry someone yeswa then malah da3i it.hedeen il 3ezz o il dalal ilee ib beet oboch 3shan teg3deen ib beet wa7ed yengal lah raylich...
Ama 3n hathola ilee yegoloonlich over educated... esthabooon y3ni? ana mostaway chithee itha min awlha 3ndkom 3oqdat naqs hatha il bab yosa3 jamal o yalla 3a6onna imgafakom! Foog shenkom gowwat 3enkom? wala ana a3teref ina weldi feeh 3oqdat naqs? Khal yeroo7 yakh6eb min ma7w il ommeyah 3yl a7san lah!
Anyways la it7ereen 3mrich... itwanesay dam inich free o insha2 allah ayeelich il ryal il san3 ilee yestahalich o il minna 3leeh b3d in tanazaltay o rethaytay feeh... if ur princess ib beet obooch... la taqbeleen itkoneen aqal min a queen in ur husbands house.
danderma - LOOOOL eee 9ij 3aneed mithly
bas agool tara i moderate oo i never received any comment from u. Daddy's Girl kanat itgool nafs il shay. anyways about this 5a6eeb il fashla, i have updates. stay tuned oo lo u cant comment again send me an email on 3ashan a3rif a2adib hathy ilblog ili ma yista7y oo ma y3arif ykarim il'6yoof
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