Everyone has been asking me what I want for my birthday!!! I have never told anyone I want something specific for my birthday except for my sister. Shes the only one where she doesnt have a roof on her budget and neither do I.
For some reason we always exchange gifts end of July beginning of August which falls exactly in the middle of both our birthdays. Last year she got me the Swarovski / Phillips USB and I V-Kooled her car.
This year "Christmas" came early since shes out of town already and Im leaving in a few days inshallah. The presents this year were her allowing me to take her car to Dubai for my trip next week and her present was me paying for her car service. I think she liked the deal cos it means she doesnt have to worry about what Messrs. Rip Off Al Zawawi will make her pay straight after a 6 week holiday. Even Dad is predicting her coming back broke LOL.
But see with everyone else, I really dont care about the value of the present or even its existance. Honestly speaking I would rather not get anything than getting a bottle of perfume. I find them soooo impersonal and actually quite insulting. Even things like bathroom stuff and Body Shop packages and these things. These are a definite NO-NO for me.
I even used to think Gift Vouchers were insulting until I realised that getting someone a GV means they get to buy something they like. So I changed my mind about them. But people asking me whats on my wishlist!!! NOO WAY. I will never reveal. I have so many things on my wishlist mainly consisting of designer handbags so since I definetly will NOT expect those from anyone, whats the point.
There are also some other things I need - i.e. a replacement for my sunglasses that I lost in my last Dubai trip. But these things are tricky. I mean what if someone buys me a pair of sunglasses that I end up hating ON ME but loving on the shelf!!! I need a keychain for my car keys but my car keys are funny and I have a few keychains that do not fit my car key.
What is the ideal Birthday Wish List?? And how can you avoid wasted gifts??
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5 years ago
15 m3andeen:
Ohh.. ok.. hmmm.. haaaa..
Ok, when it comes to perfume or body shop or ready packed gift, defiantly they are impersonal; I only see them as last min thing… Usually I only reveal my wishlist to close people and only when they aske where most of the times I don’t have answer… In ur case I totally cant advice… but you can always jock abut ur list (oh no one can afford my wish list and see what will be their answer ;P)
a7ssan shay cash :P
oh. so we're busted.
all us perfume/body shop gifters. we've been found out.
is there any chance youll change your blog design/layout again?
for your birthday..please?
**no offence Gisele
The ideal wishlist is to pick your items, exactly what they are and how much they cost, make sure youve got things that range between 10 and 100 rials, put the name of the store where to find them. you might get 2 out of the whole list but at least youll get something you actually wanted.
hmm.. i only tell my close friends.. and i am so easy to please =) i nag about a thing without me realizing and next thing you know they got it for me lool...
i dont think perfume and body shop is insulting =)
i know something u'd love bas i will ask for ur permission a5af t3a9been 3alayah
gifts....not really a guy who looks for gifts. the gifts just find me :P
Your friends know only what ou either tell them or what they see, fa etha they get you something you hate you can blame yourself... or their horrible taste ;x
Hmmm, ideal wishlist would be a 1-way ticket to Marbella, no? I'd settle for Cannes too.
tshari6aaaaay y7iglichhh ;p ur birthdaay .. be honest golay.. ANA ABY TYEBONLY THIS THIS W THIS :P
la 7aram why perfume is a nice gift y3ni what if someone gave u a perfume y3ni u stink ?? =P
missed you enshalla tkonen abkhair
Diamonds! :)
No identity.. - i didnt get many gifts but i got a few that i thought were completely unnecessary. but still its the thought that counts and i love my friends for being there on my birthday
Missy - LOL 9ij wallah but we dont have this habit here in Oman
Anonymous - yep you have you lazy asses
Anonymous - why?? dont u like my layout?? i love it. Are you the Gisele the designer?? Hhhmm might check out some of your new layouts
Anonymous - these things are done in bridal showers / baby showers. its a little over the top for a birthday
Standy - im the same but i recently discovered that either my friends are DUMB or they choose to ACT dumb. LOL
Karamilah - what is it?? asking permission embarrasses me.
Wizdom - ooohh. i like ur kind
❛❛Heroine❜❜ - thats what usually ends up happening. i hate their taste cos im very verbal about my own taste. im known to have a specific style so ur gonna have to be very ignorant to not see it
anf flight tickets ANYWHERE are a very ideal gift. ALWAYS
Mar8adoosh - ma3arf agool. lama7t wayid bas shasawy ehma 7ameer
MashMosh - la i dont think so. its just not a lot of effort goes into perfume selection
luluty - im ib alf 3afya thank u 7ayaty
Bravecat - one can always wish
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