I know I know
I have been neglecting my blog for a while for various different reasons - mainly its time constraints. I have been keeping myself really busy on the weekends. Mostly either going to Dubai or hosting friends in town. The last weekend before Ramadhan, I spent it on a one night getaway out of town but in Oman with my cousins. It was a nice change.
So much has happened and like every Ramadhan, whenever it comes, I actually stand back and reflect on the past year. For me Ramadhan to Ramadhan is actually more of a beginngin / end of year as opposed to December 31st.
This year when Ramadhan arrives I was completely unprepared and in fact a little taken aback since it came back so fast. 2009 in general has flown by for me (others will disagreee of course) but honestly I remember last Eid like it was this morning.
So looking back, I evaluate the changes that occurred in my life since last October. I must say that this period (October 08 to August 09) has been the most life altering phase of my life. I have moved jobs. I started my MBA. I lost people I cared about and more importantly I eliminated a lot of people that did me harm. All are decisions I do NOT regret at all as since October 08 I am actually a much better person.
I may not be surrounded by as many friends as I used to be like this time last year, but I always say its quality not quantity. I have worked to better my relationships with my family and better myself. I have always been able to sleep well at night knowing that I have not done anyone any harm, yet now I am occasionally having sleepless nights just worrying about some people and how THEY are feeling relating to the harm they have done me. Yet I always say "allah ma ya'6rub ib 3a9a" (God does not beat with a stick) and simply roll over and sleep.
I have never claimed nor will I ever claim to be a good muslim because I do admit that when it comes to following religion's guidelines, I am not one for discipline, YET I feel and Im confident that I am a good person. I always wonder how many times I have had almost REALLY bad things happen to me whether they are accidents or such then I realise that God must be rewarding me for the good that I am doing in some way or other. Kil wa7id y7a9il 3ala gad ily ysaweeh (Everybody gets the same amount back as they do).
I am happy with who I am. Whatever I do is between myself and God.
Recently got a quote from a friend that I LOVED
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
Over and out
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5 years ago
3 m3andeen:
Ramadhan Kareem dear.
Its always good to have moments to scan through your life and past moments. :)
All the best for better person and better outcome.
imbarak 3alaich elshahr
oo 3asach min 3owadaa
Solafa - yep it is an eye opening experience / time period indeed
eshda3wa - 3eedich imbarak babe
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