I basically got tired of my very heavy handbag so I decided to empty it out and do a cleaning process. Unbeleivable the amount of shit that came out. Can you imagine ALL that was inside my handbag
- Medicines
- Hair stuff
- Lip glosses
- Just-In-Case sweeties (all expired of course)
- Earphones and electrical stuff
- 4 cheque books
- Spare phone
- Notebooks
- Loose papers including old receipts, ATM slips and valet parking ticket
- OMR 5 rial note, 7 hundred baiza notes and one dirham coin loose money
- Loose randomly collected business cards
- Wallet
- My missing necklace
- Business card holder
- Little pouchy thing for random stuff
- Camera case
- Gift certificate envelope and bills
- Pharmacy Bag with spray medication
- Bottle of water
- Perfume bottle (one only)
- Hand lotion
- Body Spray
- Oh yeah and the camera that I used to take the picture - NOT in the case - its independant. LOL
And for fun - my nephews were my gym buddies today - for all off about a minute and a half before they got picked up for haircuts. Check out the little one (red t-shirt) he couldnt even reach the handle bars. LOOOL. Hamad, the older one is so intelligent.
Hamad: Why do people go to the gym?
Me: If they want to loose weight. You dont need it
Hamad (blowing out his tummy): Look im fat - i need to go to the gym
Me: No your not - u dont eat properly you cant go
Hamad: Mama i went on the treadmill
Mama: Did u enjoy it?
Hamad: Yeah but people like me dont need to go to the gym
19 m3andeen:
Hahaha girls thing:P
ok why all those medicince for?
LOOOOOOL yummmaa hathe shelat`ha reyatha bro7ha :P
o 7raam the red shirt shkla thaye3 :P
Wow, you take whole warehouse with you :-D
lots of stuff in ur handbag..it must be really heavy!
looool what a cutie pie
about the bag thing, maan do i knowww! i try to empty it out every feww weeks cuz it gathers so much crap!
bas it still ends up heavy cuz i have evrything i would ever need in there lool when ppl need something they come to me and ask,..3la shan yi3rofoon ina i have evrything for every occasion hehe
dam enich etshelen hal jan6a malah da3i il gym :P
Oh my God! 9akaitay 3alay!!! I usually swap bags almost daily so i tend to clear my bags out ;>
lol, ur handbag thakartnni eb handbag mom, 7a6a feha kel shai @@
maktaba, 9aidaleya, 3edat el tajmeel!
wallah ana kella aqol 7q mom: "entw etsheloun athqal, mu chan6a!"
+ allah ye5allilekoum ur nephews, ya 7lelhoum!! :D
i love ur bag btw!;p
Thats y i dnt always carry bags around .. my purse serves it all ;)
heheheheheehehe waaaaaaaaaai il ashya in ur bag mo 6abey3een ;p thakrteny eb nafsy!!!!!
alla eykhleelich ur nephews ya rab :)
LOOOOOOOOOL...this post made my crack up!!;p
OMG...ur like my sis with this bag thingy!!;p whatever we need something she always has it in her big bag!!;p EVEN BAND AIDS!!;P i'm tellin' you she's crazy!!;p LOOOOL...the candies made me laugh so hard cause i have this in my school bag and i'm too lazy to clean my bag!!;p and god knows what's in this bag!!;p hehehe
KAAAAAAAAAAAAAK...ur nephew is soo damn funny!!;p
BTW...this is like my first vist to ur blog and i LOVE it!!;p
p-ella - from when i was sick a couple of weeks ago plus my vitamens.
zwena - ee adri - mara wizant jan6itee fil ma6ar 6al3at 16 KGs - LOOOOL
DG - LOOOL adri - ma3roofa ana 3indi kil shay - 7ata marat 3indi band aids oo chee
big pearls - ee adri its very heavy lakin much much lighter after the clean up
desertpalms - i stopped carrying my makeup kit becuase of weight. then i realised it doesnt make a difference anymore. LOL
zamhareer - LOOOL 9ij.
dr - i dont understand the daily swapping of bags - i never do that. i have 4 favourite bags that i rotate between every couple of months. about to become 5 this eid. :D
smarties - LOOL @ ur mom. differnece is moms bags are a lot more organised. my mom has different wallets and packets and pockets. ana kil shay mag6oo6 oo kil youm fi hunt for the carkeys mission
MLH - mashkoora wallah. imgadama
mitsuki - i went through a purse phase but im over it.
palomino - LOL allah y5aleehum inshallah fedait-hum kitakeet
meemzz - welcome to bloggy hope you have a nice journey. the one in red is my darling favourite sweetheart. btw even i used to have bandaids in my bag but now i keep them in the car. and only a few in one of the pouches.
I don't really carry much cuz I switch bags with outfits;\
oh sorry to hear that
wallah chenna jan6ety hehe
anamethystworld - yeah see i cant do that - i dont know why but mali 5ilg a'3ayer jna6 kil youm
p-ella - sorry to hear what??
dandoon - inzain yallah take a pic of your bag and its contents
that you were sick @@ btw im afraid of pills !
p-ella - aawww sweetie thanks. yeah i used to hate pills but had to get used to them. i posted about huge pills before. LOL check it out
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