Disclaimer: If you are easily disgusted, please stop here. Doctors please advise.
Madri shu yani il youm. Kint abad mub yow3ana bas 3a6shana mot. Il fa6oor kan bait 5ali. Wi9alt oo garba3t thalath gla9at may warahum gla9ain 3a9eer laymoon.
Ma kalait ila sprint rolls and mini hotdog rolls. Ooo lugmatain lasagne. Ba3dain chan achoof 9a7n il lgaimat oo ad7ash arba3 7abbat fi wayhi.
93adt fog ib gla9 il laymoon il thalith chan abda2 aki7. Bsir3a rkatht il 7ammam chan azawi3. Shgad zawa3t in9adamt. Ma kalait shay. Min wain yay kil hatha???
Chan iblees yil3ab fini - 5ala9 la troo7i il gym inti mareetha. Lakin la ri7t.
6la3t min il gym lagait my friend oo sharabt kobain latte. A7is 3umri 79an.
Shilsalfa?? To my dakatra readers. Goolooly, kil shay 3adi wila feeh hatha ili ysamooneh stomach bug??
13 m3andeen:
oh salamaaat dear ma teshofeen shar..
No stomach bugs dont happen that fast.
I think cuz u ate too fast and ma3a ilka7a o chithi u stimulated il vomit impulse...
3adi 3adi ta79il fe a7san il 3a2ilat ;>
matshofeen shar
3ad shino zaw3tay ?? lol
ya3ni bs sharabtay! .. yemken akil ams ? looool
Laymoon :P... Laymoooon 3ala me3da fathya mo zain, ta7regeeen me3detech.. Bro7ich intay lama me3detech fathya kela 7umtheyat...
La2aaa mosh kuwayissss :P
Oo kelshway takleen la2anich kentay tarsa ba6nich may, oo el may bser3a yeftha mn el me3da..
;) Hope i helped !
journal entry - allah ysalmich 7abibti
dr - i actually didnt eat that fast - days laman fil bait a5ali9 ib 5ams digayiy lakin fi bait 5ali wiya il jam3a at least 45 minutes
anony - tara broo7i mani 3arfa - i was shocked. lakin no way akil ams. hathak 6ala3 min 9ob thani ;P
abo-omy-abo-oby - tara hay mushkilti ana. 3adi ma bakil oo bas ashrib may oo 3a9ayir. 7ata ana i suspect 3a9eer il laymoon ehwa il culprit
I think it is because u filled ur stomach with a lot of fluids straight after fasting and then u ate.
Big Pearls - yeah and because it was mainly lemon juice which is acidic and very volatile
slamat girl
thats weird :/
p-ella - thanks - i know. it never happened to me before
Wi9alt oo garba3t thalath gla9at may warahum gla9ain 3a9eer laymoon.
Ma kalait ila sprint rolls and mini hotdog rolls. Ooo lugmatain lasagne. Ba3dain chan achoof 9a7n il lgaimat oo ad7ash arba3 7abbat fi wayhi.
93adt fog ib gla9 il laymoon il thalith chan abda2 aki7. Bsir3a rkatht il 7ammam chan azawi3. Shgad zawa3t in9adamt. Ma kalait shay. Min wain yay kil hatha???
Hay 9a7, ma kalaiti shay after this long story !!
They say, when you break your fast, you should go slow on your stomach. Maybe thats the reason you felt unwell. Hope all is well now :-)
DG - LOOOOL thanks but in tue effect ma kalait shay - 2 mini hotdog rolls, 2 srping rolls, 2 bites lasagne and arba3 7abat ligaimat
this followed 6 glasses of liquids.
i think its just 3shan 5arba6ay oo kalaitay too fast :(
ma tshoofeen shar 7beeby ;**
dandoon - thanks 7ayati. i know wayid 5arba6t in a very short time
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