Half my face is aneasthised and i cant feel anything and i am drooling all over myself - i have this very sour look on my face because they put a cotton soaked in devils piss inside my tooth and ive fighting back a gag reflex since noon.
I havent broken anything in a while!!! How about breaking a toe!!! Or maybe slicing my head open!!! Just another minor something to keep me from being even remotely productive.
13 m3andeen:
wee salamat matshoofeeen shar!
yakerh 3awar el asnan!!!! but sure bterta7een wayed 3ogob el root canal treatment. mas7ebaw el 3a9ab 3ashan yhadoon el 3awar?
ni3na3ah - la fi iltihab - 7a6een shay fi boozi wiya anti biotics i have to swallow oo on thursday bsi7baw
Selamat 7bebti!!!!!!
Root canals suck ;l
I'm terrified of dentists :-/
ouch... good luck..i need to go and take my appointment so i can have an operation to take out my wisdom teeth and i am dodging that LOL..
Really.. good luck and hope you get well soon!!
Delicately Realistic - la t5awfini i was researching it and everywhere i read is that it should be completely painless if done properly. so im looking for a good dentist al7een.
Glitter - im actually not too scared of them. i just dont like the feeling mal i can see them doing stuff then i feel pain chaneh its a was of torture. if i was knocked out i would b much happier
Stand-Alone~ - ohhooo go get them out tara ana all these problem are because of the wisdom teeth. i left them in too long and there was no space for them in my mouth and they started pushing my other teeth together. so na9ee7a before u get to my stage go and get them out.
ma tshoooooofeeeeeeeeen shar 7abebti :****
i would rather DIE from a tooth ache then go to those basterds
anyhoo slamat babe :)
Salamat sweetie matshofeen shar
awwwwwww:( salamaaaaaaaaaaat! batshooofen shar :$ (tara ga3da a3ayeb 3ala il b and m thing) mo badliya ya3ni ehheheheheh ;p
hope u feel better soon
ouchhhh!! salamaaaat ;* trust me, nothing in life is worse than getting a wisdom tooth pulled out. i looked like Kanye West for 2 weeks and the tese3bel kil mukan was only the beginning!! :P
hope u feel better!
drama_ - ive had all my wisdom teeth pulled out already. all four. LOL @ Kanye West lookalike. thanks babe and welcome to my blog
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